Since 2015, it has been a requirement for every GP practice in the UK to have a Patients Participation Group (PPG). The PPG is open to every patient on the GP practice list. All communities, groups, ages, genders, ethnicities, and disabilities representing the patient list are encouraged to join.  There are no other membership requirements except that patients must be registered with the practice.

The Deepings Practice PPG is a group of volunteer patients that come together regularly with the practice manager and one or more GP’s to discuss the health services offered by the practice and see how improvements can be made to them for the benefit of patients and their carers.

Any patient can volunteer and get involved in supporting the PPG, but there is a process for patients to be elected to join the PPG. This is covered later in this document.  The PPG meets formally every month at the practice for a PPG meeting. Informally, when we feel they are needed, we meet at various local locations in and around Deeping or on Zoom video conferences. The purpose of these informal meetings is to help each other work on current projects as well as discuss and prioritise new ones.

All members of the PPG agree to abide by our constitution.

Name: The Deepings Practice Patient Participation Group
Terms of Reference:
  • The Practice’ refers to The Deepings Practice.
  • Patients’ are all the patients registered with The Practice.
  • PPG‘ is The Deepings Practice Patient Participation Group.
  • Committee’ is a group of Patients who volunteer to be appointed to represent all the Patients of The Practice.
  • Officer’ is a Committee member who has been assigned the Officer role of Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer or Secretary
  • Associate’ is a Patient that are seconded onto the PPG to assist with a project or for any other reason.
  • Workgroup’ or ‘Sub-group’ is a formal or informal group of Committee members and Associates that are put together to work on a specific task.
  • AGM’ refers to the Committee’s Annual General Meeting
  • SGM’ refers to a Special General Meeting
Aims and Objectives
  1. To support and build a two way relationship between patients and the Practice.
  2. To seek out and listen to the views of Patients, their Carers and Staff, especially those individuals and groups whose voices are not usually heard. To provide the patients perspective on current service levels, proposals for service reorganisation and future developments.
  3. To raise issues for consideration, which are evidence based and which demonstrate that they are of wider concern.
  4. To advise, and where appropriate, assist with the development of and continual improvement of the Practice by offering and supporting suggestions for future developments and service improvements.
  5. To oversee a functioning ‘Volunteer Car Scheme’ for the Practice’s patients that is fit for purpose
  6. To raise funds if required.
  7. To liaise with the Practice on matters of Local, Regional or National concern that affect both Patients and Practice.
  8. To act as a representative group to support the Practice and influence local provision of health and social care.
  9. Whilst these are the initial aims and objectives of the PPG they are open to change and discussion by the Committee and The Practice to ensure continued development and improvement.
  10. The PPG is not intended for the airing of individual members’ personal problems. These must be addressed to The Practice Manager at the surgery for non-medical matters and to a Doctor/Nurse for medical matters.
  1. The PPG will be non-political and nonsectarian, and will at all times respect diversity and exemplify its commitment to the principles contained within the Equality Act {See Appendix 2}
  2. The Committee will consist of no more than 14 persons. Patients shall be voted onto the Committee by those present at the AGM and who are eligible to vote. Appointments to the Committee will be agreed by a simple majority voting process.
  3. The Committee shall, at the AGM, propose and vote 4 people from the Committee into the Officer positions. Appointments of the Officers will be agreed by a simple majority voting process. The Officers shall allocate responsibilities as they see fit.
  4. The Committee, including the Officers, will be elected until the date of following AGM. In the event of a member of the Committee leaving, the remaining members of the Committee shall have the power to appoint a replacement who shall serve until the next AGM where they will then be eligible to stand for a full term. Such appointments to the Committee will be agreed by a simple majority voting process.
  5. The Committee will undertake to use their best efforts to attend a majority of the bi-monthly meetings that take place at The Practice as well as other such meetings as are agreed to be necessary. At such meetings, the Committee shall have full authority to discuss, plan, select, adopt/approve and implement appropriate plans and projects based on a quorum of one half the appointed Committee plus 1.
  6. In order to maintain an active Committee, any member of the Committee who fails to attend four consecutive meetings may be deemed to have resigned unless there are exceptional circumstances as agreed by the Committee.
  7. The Committee will appoint a Voluntary Car Scheme Lead Coordinator to carry out duties in accordance with the Coordinator’s role.
  8. Associate Members will be appointed by the Committee on an ‘as and when’ basis to assist with Workgroup tasks as needed. Associate Members shall have no voting rights, above those rights as Patients, and will not have any automatic right to attend PPG meetings. Members do not have any rights to confer any prior claim on The Practice or any right for preferential treatment.
  9. The Chair and Secretary will prepare an agenda for each meeting. This will include any suggestions for discussion from the Committee.
  10. The agenda will be circulated to the Committee and The Practice at least seven days in advance of the meeting. 
  11. The agenda will be posted for the Patients by The Practice on The Practice website and on the PPG notice board in the reception areas. 
  12. The Secretary will circulate the minutes of the meetings within a maximum of 14 days of the meeting, to both the Committee and The Practice.
  13. The minutes will be posted for the public by The Practice on The Practice website and on the PPG notice board in the reception areas.
  14. Patients may attend PPG meetings as observers but shall not be entitled to vote. However, if a patient wants to attend, the Committee Secretary must be notified no later than 4 days prior to the date of the meeting  and notify the Chair.
  15. Decisions at Committee meetings will be taken by a simple majority vote among the Committee, in which the Chair will be entitled to vote. In the event of a tie, the Chair will have the casting vote.
  16. Membership of the Committee will automatically be terminated in the event of the member ceasing to be a Patient of The Practice.
  17. Any member of the Committee bringing the organisation into disrepute may have their membership terminated after consideration by the Committee.
  18. There should be at least one member of staff of The Practice present at formal meetings of the Committee and at the AGM or any SGM. Normally this will be the Practice Manager who will not be eligible to vote. It is expected, but not required, that a GP Partner will also be present.
  19. Membership of the Committee does not confer any prior claim on The Practice or any right for preferential treatment.
  1. The Organisation’s funds are held in a separate business account and managed by the Treasurer.
  2. All monies raised by, or on behalf of the Organisation shall be applied to further the objects of the Organisation and the Voluntary Car Scheme and for no other purpose.
  3. The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the Organisation. The accounts shall be presented at the AGM by the Treasurer.
  4. All expenditure must be authorised, at a minimum, by the Treasurer in writing and no payments, including any incidental expenses, will be paid without that approval.
  1. Patients wanting to join the Committee need to be proposed and seconded by a Committee member.
  2. Patients may be asked to explain what they want to achieve by joining the Committee and may have to answer questions from the Committee.
  3. Such appointments will be taken by a simple majority vote among the Committee, in which the Chair will be entitled to vote. In the event of a tie, the Chair will have the casting vote.
  1. Members of the Committee will consent to having their contact details circulated to all other members of the Committee in order to simplify communication. 
  2. Members of the Committee will undertake to use their best efforts to access the various communication and technology systems that are in use by the Committee. The inability to access these communication systems should not preclude membership to the Committee; however, a basic level of computer literacy is expected and training can be provided to help people learn how to use the technology used by the Committee.
  3. Open digital voting; using such tools that are approved by the Secretary, on all matters, can take place as an alternative to face to face voting. All such voting has to be recorded by the Secretary.
  4. Where a member of the Committee cannot be physically present for a vote, they can send their proxy vote to the Secretary using the tools approved by the Secretary.
Annual General Meeting
  1. An AGM will be held annually in November. All Patients are entitled to attend and those of 16 years and older may vote. However, if a Patient wants to attend, the Committee Secretary must be notified no later than 14 days prior to the date of the AGM and request the approval of the Chair.
  2. The Secretary will provide at least 28 days’ notice of the day, time and place which will be displayed on The Practice website, the PPG notice board in the reception areas and via email to all patients whose email address is registered with The Practice. Any item for the agenda should be sent to the Secretary no later than 21 days prior to the date of the AGM.
  3. At the beginning of each AGM the Chair will present a report of the activities of the organisation during the previous year and the Treasurer will present the statement of accounts
  4. Immediately following the main agenda of the meeting all members of the Committee including all Officers will resign their posts.
  5. Any Patient may offer themselves for election to the Committee at the AGM.  Proxy applications should be received, by the Secretary, not less than 2 days prior to the AGM. Appointments to the Committee will be agreed by a simple majority voting process.  In the event of a tie, the Chair will have the casting vote.
  6. Officers of the Committee must be nominated and seconded by members of the Committee. Appointments of the Officers will be agreed by a simple majority voting process.  In the event of a tie, other than when appointing the Chair, the Chair will have the casting vote.
  7. If more than one nomination is received for an Officer position then a vote by all those eligible to vote at the AGM must take place and will be agreed by a simple majority voting process. In the event of a tie, other than when appointing the Chair, the Chair will have the casting vote.
Special General Meeting
  1. An SGM shall be held if not less than 2/3 of the Committee (or over 50 Patients) request it in writing, stating the reasons, to the Chair.
  2. The Secretary will provide at least 28 days’ notice of the day, time and place. The agenda will be displayed on The Practice website, the PPG notice board in the reception areas and by email. [as for the AGM]  This will be given no more than 7 days after the request has been received.
  3. All Patients are entitled to attend and those of 16 years and older may vote. However, if a Patient wants to attend, the Committee Secretary must be notified no later than 14 days prior to the date of the AGM.
  4. Motions at an SGM will be passed on a vote in favour of at least 3/4 of those present and eligible to vote.
Complaints Procedure
  1.  If a complaint is made about the Committee or a member of the Committee, it should be referred to the Chair. The Chair will pass the complaint on to the Complaints’ panel which will comprise three members of the Committee. (Refer to the Complaints’ procedure Policy) N.B. The panel is made up of three members who are elected by the committee. Internal complaints will be dealt with by the Chair.
  1. Any Patient who wishes to receive emailed information from the PPG needs to register their email address with The Practice. The Practice will also be able to opt Patients out of receiving emails.
  2. The PPG does not have access to The Practice’s email list but can request that The Practice sends out a communication to people on that list.
  3. Any Patient who contacts the PPG directly via any means will authorise the PPG to respond to the patient directly.
  4. Any abuse regarding the contact details of Patients will be considered as bringing the organisation into disrepute.
Privacy Notice
  1. If a Patient contacts the PPG directly, the PPG may record those details (e.g.  email, phone number, social media name or address).
  2. The PPG only uses these details to send Patients information they requested. The PPG may invite people that it communicates with, to allow the PPG to keep them informed about PPG activities, those of The Practice and any information that would help them receive better healthcare support from The Practice. The PPG does this because it is in the legitimate interest of our group to do so as detailed in the Aims and Objectives section above. 
  3. As a volunteer based organisation, the Committee makes best efforts to store Patients details securely.
  4. Patients can ask the Committee to amend or delete their personal details stored by the PPG at any time by contacting the Secretary.
Alteration of Constitution
  1. This Constitution will be subject to amendment at an AGM or SGM if a request in writing (signed by a minimum of 2/3 of the Committee) is received by the Secretary at least 14 days in advance of the meeting and voted for at the meeting by 2/3, or more, of those present and eligible to vote.
Dissolution of Constitution
  1. It is a contractual obligation on The Practice to have an operating PPG and so any dissolution plans must be discussed and approved by The Practice prior to proposing it and The Practice will have the overriding right to disallow it.
  2. Should the Committee at any time decide that on any grounds it is necessary to dissolve the organisation it shall call a Special General Meeting.
  3. If such a decision is confirmed by the simple majority of those present, the Committee shall have the power to dispose of any assets held by the PPG. Any assets remaining after satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities should be applied towards charitable purposes for the Patients as the Committee may decide.
Availability of Constitution
  1. This Constitution shall be posted on The Practice website and can also be requested from the Committee Secretary.
  2. This Constitution shall also be on display in The Practice reception areas.

PPG Meetings

The next PPG Meeting will take place at 2pm on: date to be confirmed

The next PPG AGM Meeting will take place at 2pm on: Tuesday 12th November 2024

Agenda for the up coming meeting on:   TBC


Minutes from Previous Meetings can also be found here:

Minutes of Meeting held on 10 September 2024

Minutes of Meeting held on 14 May 2024

Need a lift to a scheduled medical appointment?

Call our volunteer coordinators on 078 58 37 39 12

For over 14 years, The Deepings Practice has had the kind support of a volunteer car scheme that ferries elderly patients or those in need to medical appointments across the region.   Many of those patients would not be able to get to their appointments without the help of these kind volunteers.

The drivers, supported by our volunteer coordinators, will typically give a few days a week to the service and will safely pick up the patient from their house, take them to their appointment, help them get into the building if needed, wait for them, and drive them back home.