How to refer into our services

LCHS provides care for patients who require clinical input from either planned or urgent care services coordinated by the Operations Centre. Planned care is provided by community nursing, therapy teams and specialist services in the patients home, community hospitals or in care home beds. Urgent care is provided via Clinical Assessment Service supported by teams in urgent care bases and by urgent care home visiting practitioners by dialling 111.

To access their services referrals are made to the Operations Centre by social and health care professionals and for a small number of services self-referrals are also accepted.

* Patients who are on holiday in Lincolnshire cannot refer themselves directly into the community nursing service. If this affects you, please contact your usual GP for a referral into the service.

The exception to this will be palliative patients that may require syringe driver changes etc which hopefully would be referred in appropriately from the persons existing community teams in their home areas prior to the them arriving.

If you require access to one of the services where self-referral is not an option please contact your GP to discuss your requirements.

You can use the Lincolnshire Care Services Directory to find out about care options available in your area.